Weaving Voices Group statement
Together we will investigate how participatory art practices can contribute to meaningful exchanges between residents and artists in remote and/or economically weaker areas in Europe. The aim of this project is to involve others, who have little or no access to art and culture to different European (art) practices, through workshops and the creation of joint art works. We believe that when people connect through bodily and material practices, in this case; voice, weaving, movement, writing and environmental work; people can meet, see and hear each other in new and extraordinary ways. When safer spaces are created, trust can be built beyond languages.
First year (2022-2023)
In the initial phase of the project, the international partners engage in a vibrant exchange of expertise. They collaboratively share their practices, methodologies, and approaches, while actively seeking connections between diverse fields of research. This stage is characterized by a spirit of experimentation and emergence. The project delves into an array of fascinating practices and lineages, such as the vocal heritage of the renowned Roy Hart Theatre, the transformative power of collective weaving as a means of forging connections, the enchanting traditions of Swedish herding call known as "kulning," the captivating harmonies of Georgian polyphonic singing, the enlightening Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement, the expressive art of creative writing, the transformative journey of Vision Quest, and the perceptual practice that opens new realms of understanding.
In the initial phase of the project, the international partners engage in a vibrant exchange of expertise. They collaboratively share their practices, methodologies, and approaches, while actively seeking connections between diverse fields of research. This stage is characterized by a spirit of experimentation and emergence. The project delves into an array of fascinating practices and lineages, such as the vocal heritage of the renowned Roy Hart Theatre, the transformative power of collective weaving as a means of forging connections, the enchanting traditions of Swedish herding call known as "kulning," the captivating harmonies of Georgian polyphonic singing, the enlightening Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement, the expressive art of creative writing, the transformative journey of Vision Quest, and the perceptual practice that opens new realms of understanding.
Second year (2023-2024)
In the subsequent phase of the project (2024), the activities and collaborative research unfold with an inclusive approach, inviting interactions and knowledge exchange with geographically marginalized local communities. This engagement takes place through a series of diverse workshops, immersive walks, and thought-provoking exhibition settings. The aim is to communities that often find themselves on the periphery and extend the project to various locations. The development phase will take place in the quaint villages nestled within Baranya County in Hungary, amidst the serene forests near Unnaryd in Sweden, within the vibrant suburbs of Leeds in the United Kingdom, and alongside suburban communities in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Through these collaborative endeavors, substantive dialogues and an incluse environment will be cultivated while ensuring that the voices of marginalized groups will be heard and valued. We are committed to fostering an atmosphere that nurtures mutual understanding, respects unique perspectives, and recognizes the intrinsic value of every individual within these communities.
In the subsequent phase of the project (2024), the activities and collaborative research unfold with an inclusive approach, inviting interactions and knowledge exchange with geographically marginalized local communities. This engagement takes place through a series of diverse workshops, immersive walks, and thought-provoking exhibition settings. The aim is to communities that often find themselves on the periphery and extend the project to various locations. The development phase will take place in the quaint villages nestled within Baranya County in Hungary, amidst the serene forests near Unnaryd in Sweden, within the vibrant suburbs of Leeds in the United Kingdom, and alongside suburban communities in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Through these collaborative endeavors, substantive dialogues and an incluse environment will be cultivated while ensuring that the voices of marginalized groups will be heard and valued. We are committed to fostering an atmosphere that nurtures mutual understanding, respects unique perspectives, and recognizes the intrinsic value of every individual within these communities.
Weaving Voices in Amsterdam
In April 2023, all partners converged at Bureau Postjesweg, an esteemed Dutch platform in Amsterdam, renowned for its dedication to fostering a harmonious relationship between art and its surrounding neighbourhood. A venue that facilitates art residencies and serves as a vibrant space for creative exploration. Collaboratively, the group embarked on a profound journey of discovery, delving into the art forms of weaving, plant printing, and writing. Throughout the week, the ethereal power of the human voice intertwined with the meditative act of weaving, and harmoniously resonated within the space. This symbiotic interplay of song and craftsmanship created an ethereal ambience, enveloping the participants in a serene and reflective atmosphere. All of this was possible, due to the organisational skills, dedication and love of the Dutch Artists, Rosa Smits and Nina van Hartskamp, TuYo’s representatives and main coordinators of this project.

This Project was funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.